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In compliance with Article 18 of Law 144/2015, it is informed that the consumer for alternative dispute resolution must contact our store via email sotaarteemoda@gmail.com, the competent entity for Alternative Dispute Resolution of (RAL) in your area or use the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/...


As this website sells online, the Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center corresponding to the consumer's home is competent.
In the event of a consumer dispute, the consumer can use the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/... or the following alternative consumer dispute resolution entities:

Operating throughout the national territory, in areas not covered by another arbitration center with regional competence:

National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts
Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon
Campus Campolide
1099-032 Lisbon
Tel.: 213 847 484
Email: cniacc@unl.pt

Contracts celebrated in the District of Faro.

Algarve Consumer Conflict Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center
Ninho de Empresas Building, Estrada da Penha, 8005-131 Faro
Tel.: 289 823 135
Email: support@consumidoronline.pt

Contracts signed in the municipalities of: Arganil, Cantanhede, Coimbra, Condeixa-a-Nova, Figueira da Foz, Góis, Lousã, Mira, Miranda do Corvo, Montemor-o-Velho, Oliveira do Hospital, Penacova, Penela, Soure, Tábua, Vila Nova de Poiares.

Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center of the District of Coimbra
Ave. Fernão Magalhães, no. 240, 1st - 3000-172 COIMBRA
Tel.: 239 821 690 /289
Email: geral@centrodearbitragemdecoimbra.com

Contracts signed in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area:
Lisbon, Alcochete, Almada, Amadora, Azambuja, Barreiro, Cascais, Lisbon, Loures, Mafra,
Moita, Montijo, Odivelas, Oeiras, Palmela, Seixal, Sesimbra, Setúbal, Sintra and Vila Franca
from Xira.

Lisbon Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center
Rua dos Douradores, 116, 2º - 1100-207 LISBOA
Tel: 218 807 030
Email: juridico@centroarbitragemlisboa.pt / director@centroarbitragemlisboa.pt

Contracts signed in the Porto Metropolitan Area:
Arouca, Espinho, Gondomar, Maia, Matosinhos, Oliveira de Azeméis, Porto, Póvoa de
Varzim, Santa Maria da Feira, Santo Tirso, São João da Madeira, Trofa, Vale de Cambra,
Valongo, Vila do Conde and Vila Nova de Gaia.

Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Center
Rua Damião de Góis, 31 – Store 6 – 4050-225 Porto
Tel.: 225 508 349 / 225 029 791
Email: cicap@mail.telepac.pt

Contracts signed in the municipalities of:
Cabeceiras de Basto, Fafe, Felgueiras, Guimarães, Póvoa de Lanhoso, Póvoa de Varzim, Santo Tirso, Trofa, Vila do Conde, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Vizela, Vieira do Minho and Vizela.

Vale do Ave Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center / Arbitration Court
Rua Capitão Alfredo Guimarães, no. 1, 4800-019 Guimarães.
Tel.: 253 422 410
Email: triave@gmail.com

Contracts signed in the municipalities of:
Amares, Arcos de Valdevez, Barcelos, Braga, Caminha, Esposende, Melgaço, Monção,
Montalegre, Paredes de Coura, Ponte da Barca, Póvoa do Lanhoso, Terras do Bouro,
Valença, Viana do Castelo, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Vieira do Minho, Vila Verde.
Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (Consumer Arbitration Court)

Rua D Afonso Henriques, nº 1 (Ed Junta de Freguesia da Sé)
4700 - 030 BRAGA
Tel: 253 617 604